Thursday, December 18, 2008

Today's Medicine: Rest and Letting Go

I slept like a Bear today. I didn't roll out of bed until after 11am. I had plenty of odd dreamings too. Gotta love that subconscious of mine. Since we had more snow, I felt no compunction to get out of my pajamas at all and spent the day tidying as well going through my home and letting go of things I no longer needed.

My altars got a good dusting and clearing as well as a bit of rearranging. I have a Kuan Yin altar in my bathroom and I realized that my 4th Chakra/Heart Center candle would fit nicely there. I also placed a small blue dragon and a compassion candle there as well. My Guide altar really needed some clearing- it's been a while since I added or removed items that no longer fit. It is much less cluttered now. In the last couple years I made my own major arcana tarot cards and put up the ones I want to focus in my 40th year: The Moon and The Wheel of Fortune. I need the daily reminder. :)

I also cleared and tidied my altar to Kali. I've had mixed responses to my Kali altar. She's quite fierce and yet I sense a deep underlying compassion to Her as well. She and I had an interesting interaction the other night, where I surrendered to a rather brutal decapitation. I was sooooo resistant yet I also knew it was in my best interest to do so. And I got the impression She would wait as long as I needed to screw up the courage to do so. Oddly enough it wasn't as scary as it sounded and I feel like it helped move some things that have been stuck for a very long time. I'm incredibly grateful for that.

Letting Go is a medicine I try to practice on a daily basis. It's not easy. It's not always pretty. Yet it always feels right. One of the things I have in my living room is a wall hanging with a quote accredited to the Dalai Lama:

In the end what matters most is
How well did you live?
How well did you love?
And how well did you learn to let go?

I love the simplicity of it. If I don't learn anything else in this lifetime, in the end I hope I can answer those three questions...

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