There isn't anything quite like an unplanned day to force me to go with the flow. Since we were expecting more snow late last night, I knew there was a chance the roads around our home would be less than optimal upon waking. When I awoke at 6:15, it was to the now familiar sight of snow covered ground with no road showing. Since we're still considered unincorporated Snohomish County, our roads are usually some of the last to be sanded and today was no different. I called my boss and we decided I would keep her posted on the status of the roads and go from there. When I called in at 12:30 to say the roads were finally starting to slush, she told me there is likely ice beneath that slush and it was better that I stay home than get in an accident. I certainly hope I kept the glee from my voice when I told her that was fine by me but I'm betting she figured it out anyway. That left me with a day without structure and I settled in to decide how I would spend that precious time.
It's funny- I used to be able to handle unstructured time with grace and joy. Of late, I've felt a bit anxious and rushed, as if I think I need to make sure I spend the time wisely. As if there were any other way to spend an unplanned day! What I needed to keep in the front of my brain (which tries to kill me on a regular basis) was that no matter what I did with my day, it was a bonus. I wasn't at work (I love my job but we all enjoy a break now and again), I wasn't dodging insane drivers on icy roads, I wasn't fighting mobs at a grocery store or gift shoppe. Today was Extra Credit. No matter what else, today was to be enjoyed. Period. And I did so.
Moments of spontaneous joy balanced the anxiety throughout the day. I baked cookies (macadamia/white chocolate for Paul, pecan/mini chocolate chip snowballs for Michele), made a ham and cheese quiche for Michele, wrote a couple of letters, wrapped some presents and petted the cats. That last bit I did A LOT. They really enjoy it when I'm home. Right now I have corn casserole and chili cooking for my dinner and I am sorting through some books to see if I really want to keep them. Although part of me wants to jump in and depopulate the house of every single non-essential item (essential being key to my spiritual/physical and emotional health), I realize that is not my best option. I'm taking it a bit slower than that, getting through stuff each day. Small changes are lasting changes, at least that's what I've been told. Some days I believe it and others, well, those are left unmentioned. :)
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