Saturday, January 3, 2009

Today's Medicine: Simplicity

The greatest thing in the world is to know how to be yourself. - Michael de Montaigne

Today I practiced Simple Saturday. I ran some errands in town, put some more of the Yule decorations away, read some and made food for the next couple days. I found a carrot soup recipe that turned out pretty well and made apple sauce. All things considered, a pretty mellow sort of day and there is a bit more order in my environment. This makes me very happy indeed.

Simplicity to me means not complicating things. It means that I choose to release the things that clutter my life and my journey in ways that don't help me be the best person I can be. It means that I listen to my heart when I'm walking through my day and really pay attention to what it's telling me. Simplicity also allows me to fully enjoy the moment rather than being distracted by too many options. I'm not always successful at Simplicity- my brain likes to think up convoluted schemes to justify choices other than what is clearly the right path to take. It's a skill I hope to work on throughout this coming year. I'm sure I'll have plenty of learning opportunities...

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