Saturday, January 1, 2011

Today's Medicine: Potential

A new decade. A new year. A new day. Although the winter has frosted the world outside my window, the sun is shining brightly and hope lingers in the chill air. Why is it that January 1st always feels so hopeful? I guess it's because for many it symbolizes a clean slate, a new start and possibilities. As a culture, we've made this day a very powerful tool for change, even if it only lasts until the first celebration where chocolate butter cream frosting is involved. Then our hopes for a new life/self/body image is dashed by the reality that withholding and depriving isn't exactly the best use of change.

Years ago I worked with a woman who always followed her Greek heritage traditions during the New Year. The belief is that whatever you do on New Years day sets the tone for the rest of the year. She spent the days before January 1st cleaning house, tying up loose ends and making sure that New Years day could be spent in leisure, sleeping in and spending time with loved ones. After all, who wants to spend your year cleaning up other people's messes, not to mention your own?

As January 1st looms, I always consider this approach and I've modified it a bit to suit my desires. I did some cleaning this past week, mostly making sure that the house is somewhat tidy. I'm taking advantage of the collective energy of the day to bring moderation to the coming year: I had a leisurely lie-in with the kitties, but not too late. I'll be spending some time today doing spirit work, as well as hearth tending. A long bath is certainly on the menu. I also intend to clear out some clutter today, in the hopes that I will continue to learn the lesson of letting go in a gentle and more graceful way.

May the coming year and decade be as bright and shiny as the new day that dawned. May my life continue to be filled with as many blessings as I can handle, as well as enough puzzles to help me grow. May my heart continue to open and may my eyes see all the beauty that exists around me.

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