It makes me consider what kind of world we would live in if every single being BELIEVED they were loved as much as they really are. What would that look like? Would people choose to respond rather than react? If each and every one of the beings on the planet could feel the love that is directed at them, could accept that they not only deserve the love but could embrace the reality that they are DEARLY LOVED and CHERISHED, would there be as much violence? Maybe, maybe not. I do think that many people have no idea how much they matter to the other people in their lives and cannot tap into the power of that love. I also realize that most people's shadow selves will not allow for this miracle to occur, yet it's a nice thing to ponder.
I long for the day that every shining being can see the light that comes from within, even if it's hiding beneath self-doubt, self-hatred and a pile of unresolved issues. And my feline companions remind me each and every day how to touch that light and direct it out into the world. For that, I am immensely grateful...